My name is Emily Joan Reidy, “Joan” for my maternal Grandmother, but “Emily” came from my Dad. I was originally supposed to be named Margaret Joan, but one night he told my Mom that the name Emily had come to him. It means industrious and striving. I think my life and story would be a little different if I had been a Margaret. After all, the story is all in the name. 

I was raised on the east coast for the majority of my life and I loved growing up in a small New Hampshire town. Now I am ready to experience the world and work hard to get where I am going. I am not afraid of a challenge and I am driven to put my best work forward, no matter what the project.

My family has influenced my love for creativity. My Mom is an Interior Designer and my Dad is a lawyer full-time, but an artist all the same. They taught me the importance of embracing the creative no matter the form, whether in my fashion sense, or digital design and even in the way I write.

I grew up in the age of social media development and was quick to use various platforms as I watched my world become digital. However, I did not know what the world of marketing and advertising held for me. Soon, I found that this was the perfect place for me.

Fueled by my love for the world of storytelling and marketing, I hope to help you illustrate your story in each element of a brand. From integrated marketing campaigns and social media posts to defining brand persona, there is a story beneath it all. In turn, that story determines the direction of a brand.

