The truth is I don’t know where I would be without the world of storytelling

Let’s take a look at the most influential moments in my life

  • Life is Good

    Life is Good exposed and welcomed and exposed me to the world of Marketing. I worked here during my first year of college, when I didn’t yet know what I wanted to major in. I worked in the Wholesale Marketing department in Hudson New Hampshire and quickly learned the importance of building a brand and the power of brand loyalty that grew this company from the ground up. I had joined on right in the middle of their rebrand and I got to sit in on graphic design brainstorms, strategizing, and seminars that sparked what I wanted to do in my career.

  • Advertising Team: Liberty University

    The catalyst for my passion in my education and career came out of nowhere, when a Professor recommended me to take a course that quickly became real life agency experience. In the last two years of school, I took on creating marketing campaigns for major clients and competed against schools all over the United States. I lived in strategizing, research, and copywriting, working to bring a rebrand to life throughout all social and online presence for Weinerschnitzel and Adobe.

  • Pashey Bella / Driftwood Maui

    Now this is where it all comes together. Growing up I was surrounded by creativity and expression, being raised by a Dad who was an Artist, and my Mom an interior designer, and I had always hoped to bring some element of creativity and art into my career. Fashion has become that outlet, and through working for Pashey Bella and Driftwood Maui I was able to combine the worlds of brand strategy and style all in one and I have found the space where I want to work within.



The summer before my Senior year I had the opportunity to Intern at a Digital Marketing Agency in Dublin, Ireland. I worked alongside the Graphic Designer and Computer Programmer and I was tasked with client relationships, researching for new clients, and establishing the brand identity for the company. Every day looked different and I was able to focus on being independent in who I am in another country and in who I am in my career. The agency was placed in a co-working space where I was able to meet and discuss with other companies during work events and soak up all the different perspectives.


During my time at Liberty University I had the honor of working on the Creative Committee for a semester before being offered to take on the Creative Director role. I ran the Social Media and distributed work among the committee working specifically on leadership roles all while establishing tone of voice for our chapter. The focus of our chapter was to prioritize professional development throughout college education. Although I became the Creative Director, I too learned so much during my time with PRSSA and I was thankful for the resources and practicing critical skills such as networking and establishing healthy work relationships.